Nordregio will be participating in the biggest political festival in Sweden, Almedalen, on 27 and 28 of June to address crucial topics stemming from our research. Join us to shape a sustainable and integrated Nordic future.

Like the rest of the world, the Nordic region faces severe threats and problems. What potential solutions are there? Nordregio will present the latest data on attitudes toward the green transition and dive into a conversation about the employer’s role in integration, and more.
Join us in the Nordic tent on Strandvägen 4, Strands veranda, Wisby Strand.
Critical labour shortage – can foreign-born people be the solution?
28 June 10:00 – 10:45 in the Nordic Tent, co-hosted with Nordic Welfare Center
Labour shortages are at a record high in Sweden – despite economic uncertainty. Health care, social services, and heavy industry are among the sectors worst affected. The situation is exacerbated by large-scale retirements, an acute problem shared by the other Nordic countries. But maybe there is a solution already available? How do we get more employers to see unemployed immigrants as a resource? What are the benefits and barriers? What can the Nordic countries learn from each other to improve matching and reduce discrimination in the labour market?
- Ahmed Abdirahman, CEO and founder of Järvaveckan and Nordic Migrant Expert Forum
- Malpuri Groth, Deputy Secretary General, Swedish Women’s Organisations
- Erika Löfgren, Senior Sustainable Solutions Associate, UNHCR
- Jens-Kristian Lütken, Mayor for Integration and Employment in Copenhagen, Denmark
- Jane Sandberg, Head of Recruitment and Staffing Unit, Region Gotland, Sweden
- Magnus Larsson, CEO and owner, McDonalds, Visby
Moderator: Åsa Ström Hildestrand, Nordregio
The green transition concerns us all – but how do we make it just for everyone?
28 June 13:00 – 13:45 in the Nordic Tent
The green transition should be just, with some groups not suffering more than others. But what is it like in practice? Is it country versus city, young versus old, rich versus poor? Do we see differences between the Nordic countries? And how should we go about finding fair solutions?
A recent report from Nordregio, based on a survey with over 5000 Nordic citizens, shows that there are clear differences in how people in the Nordic countries view the green transition. The report is part of the research project NJUST, which examines how different groups are affected when our societies make a more sustainable transition. The aim of the project is to develop proposals for how the Nordic countries can design a green transition that is fair for all. What challenges do the countries face in their transition and how should these challenges be solved? These are the questions we seek answers to during the seminar.
- Maria Stockhaus, Member of Swedish Parliament (M) and the Nordic Council
- Åsa Persson, Research and Deputy Director, Stockholm Environment Institute
- Magnus Gissler, Secretary General, Council of Nordic Trade Unions NFS
- Signe Krantz, Program Manager, The National Council of Swedish Children and Youth Organisations LSU
- Anna Lundgren, Senior Research Fellow, Nordregio
- Nora Sánchez Gassen, Senior Research Fellow, Nordregio
Moderator: Åsa Ström Hildestrand, Nordregio
The Arctic is melting – how do we reverse the trend?
28 June 12:00 – 12:45 in the Nordic Tent, organised by the Nordic Council of Ministers
In 2021, a Norwegian expedition sailed to Svalbard to document the effects of a warming climate in the Arctic. Climate change is faster in the Arctic than anywhere else. The question is, what can we do to slow it down?
Nordregio’s Senior Research Fellow, Leneisja Jungsberg will give her perspectives on Arctic issues based on the research project Nunataryuk.
All events are part of The Nordic Council of Ministers’ series of seminars in the Nordic tent on Strandvägen 4, Strands veranda, Wisby Strand. Just like in previous years, the series will end with the Nordic Council’s defence and security debate.