The TANGO-W project—which focuses on transformative capacity in energy, food, and water—invites urban planners, sustainability experts, and innovative thinkers to join our enlightening webinar series Urban Transformation Talks. The series features partners from diverse European cities who will share insights and advancements in driving sustainable urban development. Register for one, two, or all three webinars to engage with researchers and practitioners, and learn about new approaches to building resilient, sustainable cities.

What is Urban Transformative Capacity and why does it matter for sustainability in your city?
Webinar 1# 9 April 10-11 CET
Our first webinar in this series covers what is Urban Transformation Capacity—and why it is crucial for sustainability. To become more sustainable, cities need to adapt their capacities to meet the challenges following climate change and learn how to successfully implement new processes and governance models in urban contexts. This calls for a paradigm shift among political, administrative, and research sectors, with a focus on linking food-water-energy policies as part of holistic solutions in cross-sectorial collaboration.
In this webinar, you will hear insights from Doris Willhelmer (Austrian Institute of Technology); Maria Lennartsson (Stockholms Stad, Sweden) and Stefan Guggenberger (Klagenfurt Municipality, Austria)
Urban Transformative Capacity in practice: Implementing sustainability projects
Webinar 2# 16 April 10-11 CET
This webinar will discuss the opportunities and challenges of implementing sustainability projects. Insights from practical examples of local urban food production through aquaponics in Norrtälje (Sweden) and a food-waste reduction project with kindergartens in Halden (Norway) provide the context for discussing preconditions of urban transformative capacity.
In this webinar, you will hear insights from Anja Wingstedt (Smart Innovation Norway); Kristiina Mustonen (Campus Roslagen, Sweden) and Hilde Marie Wold (Halden Municipality, Norway)
Instruments for driving change
Webinar 3# 23 April 10-11 CET
This webinar highlights different approaches for driving change towards a sustainable future, shaped by urban needs. Researchers and practitioners will discuss prerequisites for change and the possibilities and limitations in the context of a visioning process in Weiz (Austria) and the elaboration of an action plan in Alytus (Lithuania). Based on these cases, the webinar will provide insights for how to deal with and coordinate successful urban transformation.
In this final webinar in our Urban Transformation Talks, you will hear from Doris Wilhelmer (Austrian Institute of Technology); Jolanta Dvarionienė (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania) and Gottfried Köberl (Weiz Municipality, Austria)