For most of the Nordic countries, fisheries and aquaculture are important economic sectors. Their labour markets are however male-dominated, and strongly gender-segregated. Project Salmon & Equality, led by Nordregio, gathers knowledge and statistics on gender equality in fisheries and aquaculture across the Nordic countries. At Arctic Frontiers in Tromsö, we will launch the research report on the topic, and have invited renowned speakers to discuss the issue. Join us on Tuesday 30 January 2024!
The aim of the event is to raise increased awareness of the need for gender balance in the business and to share knowledge of effective measures. The event will be centered around Arctic Frontier’s overall theme “Action and Reaction,” and will bring together representatives from politics, industry, and research to engage in a dialogue on gender equality within the fishery and aquaculture sector. Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers Karen Ellemann will open the event, followed by expert talks and panel discussions.
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Researcher and project manager Anna Karlsdóttir will present key findings as well as new policy recommendations covering statistics, harassment, innovation uptake, gender, and governance within the sector.

Presentations by: Anna Karlsdottir Associate Professor, Nordregio and University of Iceland
Key note speaker: Susanne Mortensen Fisher
Mortensen is a fisher and author of the opinion piece that set in motion the fishing industry’s #Metoo movement, spurring a public debate about harassment and equality.
Moderator: Gøril Johansen Chief Executive Officer Pro Tromsø
Sandra Márjá West, member of Sámi Parliament
Ms. Karen Ellemann Secretary General, Nordic Council of Ministers
Malgorzata Smieszek-Rice Researcher, The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø (UiT)
Gunnar Davídsson Head of Resource Management Department, Troms County Council Administration
Edgar Henriksen Retired Senior Scientist, Norwegian Institute of Food, Fisheries and Aquaculture Research (NOFIMA)
Janicke Eckhoff Project Manager, Next Generation Seafood, Sjømat Norge