Anna Berlina was previously a Senior Research Advisor at Nordregio and is now a consultant.
Anna specializes in regional development and governance, with a particular interest in the social impacts of the green transition, sustainable mobility, cross-border cooperation and the transformation of food systems.
Academic qualifications
Master in Science for Sustainable Development, Linköping University, 2010
BA Environmental Technology, University of Tartu, Estonia, 2007
Prior positions
Research Consultant, Nordegio, 2022-
Senior Research Advisor, Nordregio, 2020
Research Fellow, Nordregio, 2015-2019
Junior Research Fellow, Nordregio, 2012-2015
Project Assistant, Council of the Baltic Sea States Secretariat, Stockholm, 2011-2012
Related Research Projects
- Education and young adults in Nordic rural areas (EDYNORA)
- Not Just a Green Transition (NJUST) – Examining the path towards a socially just green transition in the Nordic Region
- Enhanced Nordic-Baltic cooperation on challenges of labour mobility in the Nordic-Baltic region 2014-2015
- Upholding of the Baltic Sea Region – Territorial Monitoring System
- Boosting the Impact of Social Innovation in Europe through Economic Underpinnings (SIMPACT)
- Local Food: Formation of local food market
- TRIBORN- Triple Bottom Line Outcomes for Bioenergy Development and Innovation in Rural Norway
- Nordic-Russian bioeconomy pre-study
- MAMBA (Maximised Mobility and Accessibility of Services in Regions Affected by Demographic Change)
- Digitalisation as a tool for sustainable Nordic regional development
- Common Indicators
- ESPON Cross-border Public Services
- Sino-European innovative green and smart cities (SiEUGreen)
- Kicking off Bioeconomy in the North
- Empowering Young Women in Industrial Cities in the Russian Arctic
- Reducing loneliness among older adults in times of covid-19 and beyond: Experiences from three Swedish Municipalities (REDLON)
- Smart Specialisation Västerbotten
- The organisation of social services and care in sparsely populated areas in the Nordics
- Social services and care in SPAs in the Nordics
- Employers’ role and responsibility in the integration of refugees and migrants
- Cross-border cooperation between Sweden and Norway
- Nordic Food Environments and Behavior Change for Better Diets
- Strengthening the resilience of EU border regions: Mapping risks & crisis
- Nordic cooperation for Agenda 2030 implementation at the local level
- Robust Regional Preparedness
- Pre-study: Nordic tripartite forum on structural change and the green transition
Related Publications
- Industrial Symbiosis – A key driver of Green Growth in Nordic Regions?
- Sustainable Business Development in the Nordic Arctic
- The potential of industrial symbiosis as a key driver of green growth in Nordic regions
- Nordregio News 1 2015: Cross-border co-operation
- Perspectives on labour mobility in the Nordic-Baltic region
- Nordic-Baltic Demographic Vulnerability Assessment at municipal level
- Reindeer husbandry in Sápmi: How can we support a prosperous future for reindeer herding through research?
- LOCAL FOOD SYSTEMS FORMATION: The potential of local food initiatives in the Baltic Sea Region
- Bioenergy Development in Finland and Sweden
- Bioenergy and rural development in Europe: Policy recommendations from the TRIBORN project
- Governing the digital transition in Nordic Regions: The human element
- Social service innovation in rural areas – a user involvement guide
- Governing the Digital Transition in the Nordic Regions
- Transition to a bioeconomy in Northwest Russia – current potential and challenges
- Transition to a bioeconomy in Northwest Russia: regional cases of the Republic of Karelia and Murmansk oblast
- Recruitment and retention in the welfare sector: Nordic good practice
- The Nordic Thematic Group for Innovative and Resilient Regions 2017–2020 – final report
- Social innovation in local development: Lessons from the Nordic countries and Scotland
- Social Innovation (SI) in local development in the Nordic countries and Scotland
- Maximising mobility and access to services in rural areas
- Mobility for all in rural areas – Inspiring solutions from MAMBA
- A guide to collaborative mobility solutions in rural areas
- Youth as partners in the green transition
- Embracing the just green transition on the Nordic labour market
- Healthy and sustainable food futures: Policy design for behaviour change
- Employers’ perspectives on hiring immigrants – Experiences from the Nordic countries
- Svensk-norskt samarbete: viktiga utmaningar och framtida möjligheter
- Policy tools for sustainable and healthy eating – Enabling a food transition in the Nordic countries
- The Nordic View on Sustainability – Learnings from the Local Level
- Peripheral higher education in the Nordics: Why? How? For whom?
- Nordic Toolbox for a Just Green Transition
- Stabil civil beredskap i Norden
- Robust civil preparedness in the Nordic Region
Related News
- 10 December: Welfare in sparsely populated areas and how to organize social services and care
- Transition to a bioeconomy in Northwest Russia
- Social Empowerment in rural areas
- REVIVAL kick-off meeting in Kazbegi, Georgia
- REVIVAL: exploring regional development in Georgia, Russia and Sweden
- Bioeconomy study in Northwest Russian region shows the potential for Nordic-Russian cooperation
- Nordregio joins the climate discussion at COP22 in Marrakech
- New project promotes empowerment in social service provision in rural areas of the Baltic Sea Region
- Why is it so hard to switch to healthier diets?
- Combining carrots and sticks: How to nudge the Nordics towards sustainable and healthy eating habits
- Our food choices are not rational – do we need a sugar tax, meat tax and subsidies on fruit and vegetables to make us eat better?
- Nordic Day on mobility and cross-border collaboration – where are we in 2024?
- Nordregio Hosts Norwegian and Swedish Ministries Working with Municipal Policies
- New toolbox identifies six crucial areas for a just green transition
Related Events
- MAMBA Rural Mobility Seminar #4
- MAMBA Rural Mobility Seminar
- SEMPRE final conference
- REVIVAL kick-off meeting in Georgia
- “Mobility innovations – only for cities?” Welcome to the first MAMBA mobility seminar
- From vision to action: Agenda 2030 in rural municipalities
- Why should you (not) hire refugees and immigrants?
- Launch: Policy tools for sustainable and healthy eating
- The Nordic View on Sustainability – lessons and practices
- New perspectives on higher education in Nordic rural areas